What is HANDLE?

H - Holistic

A - Approach to

N - Neuro-

D - Development &

L - Learning

E - Efficiency

The following is an explanation of HANDLE’s approach and philosophy, which was developed by Judith Bluestone, taken from the HANDLE Institute’s website:

HANDLE is a systems approach (an understanding of the connections and interactions between components of a system), including but not limited to the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, immune system, digestive system, visual system, extending out to the family system and other external influences.


  • HANDLE incorporates information on how the external environment and an individual’s internal make-up influence one another
  • HANDLE theories and practices incorporate knowledge from many disciplines
  • HANDLE realizes that nothing stands alone


  • HANDLE addresses the client, regardless of age or presumed abilities
  • HANDLE takes into account social-emotional factors in addition to physical developmental stages to provide activities that strengthen the nervous system while respecting the psyche
  • HANDLE views behaviors as communication rather than as symptoms to be masked or controlled
  • HANDLE understands that standardization is simply a construct, not compatible with reality and not validating of individual differences
  • HANDLE employs Gentle Enhancement® in evaluation sessions and treatment alike


  • HANDLE works with the knowledge that neuroplasticity is a life-long process, with the nervous systems (including the brain) in a constant state of adaptation
  • HANDLE realizes the importance of developmental history and future aspirations as influences on current behaviors
  • HANDLE recognizes that movement, supported by proper nutrition:
    • Organizes mental processing
    •  Influences the body’s biochemistry
    •  Helps mold the actual structure of the brain


  • HANDLE enhances readiness for all forms of learning:
    • academic
    • language
    • motor
    • social
    • and more
  • HANDLE employs mental rehearsal therapeutically and, by way of mental rehearsal, may modify familial traits through home-implemented program


  • HANDLE understands that stressed systems do not get stronger
  • HANDLE encourages conservation of our natural resources to improve well-being

Contact to schedule a HANDLE session