Session Preperation


How to prepare for a screening or a session

Download our patient history forms before your screening

Preparation for an Assessment

What would you like to do better? Is there anything you wish was easier? Would you like more control over your body? Do you have any questions about your body?

For those who are anxious about beginning our work together having a “wish list” gives us an objective to work towards. I welcome, especially older children, to participate in the initial phone consultations. For children with anxiety or a history of medical trauma you can reassure them that I am interested in how they learn, no touches until they give me permission, and no needles involved! In the office everyone is encouraged to augment answers to the client history forms and give feedback on their home programs. If sensitive information must be discussed that the minor client would find upsetting, then it is best sent by email or discussed in private. I am always happy to answer any questions and provide explanations to help reassure any misgivings.

I have the new client intake forms available here on the website. This information is an important part of my overall assessment. I request that you bring the forms to our initial session for us to review in the office together. The forms are linked to the service pages and are also attached to the confirmation email sent before the first appointment.

   Clients need to dress in ways conducive to comfortable movement. Please keep in mind that I do need to see the body and posture. Bulky or baggy clothing will hamper these efforts. The client will be asked to remove shoes and socks. Please let me know of any recent illnesses, sore places or accidents. Please take steps to ensure that the client is not ill, overly tired or hungry during the session. Water bottles and healthy snacks are encouraged. Comfort objects and toys are welcome.

   Behavior is communication and I learn valuable information about the client from their reactions during our time together. Those accompanying the client can relax in the knowledge that the behaviors I observe give me the information that I need without judgement being attached. Miss Wendy really does want to see that behavior!

Should the client leave the assessment room, it is the duty of a parent or caregiver to find and return with the client. Rests, snack or toilet breaks are welcome. Sometimes we all just need a short break. Because they are simply too distracting, the office is a video screen free zone. For the same reason I request that cell phones be turned to vibrate, and calls taken outside of the assessment space when parents are in the room.

Preparation for Sharing the results and the Program Training

It is important that the client and those who will be assisting with the home program of activities be at the discussion and training session. After in session instruction I will send activity sheets home detailing each activity and it’s variations. I do video each visit and am happy to provide a copy of our session upon request.

 I include my young clients in the discussion of their assessments and activities in the belief it helps them own the programs and their progress. I understand that many children listen best while occupying themselves with fidget toys. You may bring materials that are easily set aside and toys are provided. These materials will be set aside during training on specific activities. Comfortable clothing for both client and those learning the activities are strongly advised because we will be moving. Water and snacks are suggested as well.

Home Program

   Home program activities can number from 4 to 9 are done 2 to 4 times a week, sometimes daily and typically take between 20-30 minutes. They can be interspersed throughout the day or done in one block depending on the client’s response. We will review the neural clues that signal when a child is done with the activities at each session. Be aware that programs usually target certain reflexes or processing issues and rarely address all the possible combinations at one time.   

   If a client strongly dislikes an activity after trying it a few times, this activity is probably NOT a good choice at this time. Contact me for a substitution. No activity should ever hurt. Stop immediately if there is any kind of pain or strong emotional/ physical reaction.

When doing a  program, especially the reflexes, reactions occur as integration takes place. While some may look like regressive behavior it is the brain’s way of going back to complete a missed developmental piece. These phases only last a short time and actually represent forward progress towards total integration! If you have questions about what is appropriate, please contact me.