All tagged Coronavirus

The Stress of Being Freed

It has been a stressful year now followed by a stressful transition back out into the world and we all deal with stress in different ways which unfortunately includes children. This is where children really need adults to help see their struggles and help articulate what they may not yet have any words or concepts to describe. Think of their behavior, even posture, as communication to help decode what your child may be experiencing but unable to verbalize.

Managing Attitudes for Remote/ Home School Learning with Grace

Expectations, we put them on ourselves, exchange them with one another and accept the ones society places upon us. They can be a motivating, logic-based, productive, team building effort or a demoralizing, emotionally traumatizing, never-ending source of conflict. With all the current churn, both internal and external, going on around us I thought this might be a good time to look at how to manage expectations especially when it comes to home or remote schooling. And maybe learn how to give ourselves and others a little grace in the process.

SenseEnabled is Reopening

Covid-19 isn’t gone yet but with the state declaring the beginning of Phase 2 for King and Snohomish counties I am happy to announce the reopening for both of my office locations starting June 29th. My hours from 9:00 to 6:00 on Tuesdays at Clear Speech in Everett and on Saturdays at Canyon Park in Bothell will remain the same. Scheduling can now be done online at or by contacting me by phone or email.

 The How’s It Going Blues 

For families with challenges in audio-processing, non-verbal communication, anxiety and transition issues practicing communication skills can help reduce frustration, anger, anxiety, sadness and stress.  Schedule times for regular family meetings, make this a time to check-in with each other, possibly including extended family or friends when appropriate. Use this time to problem solve, head-off resentments and fine tune what works, what doesn’t and why it doesn’t.

Recap of Tips for Doing Therapy at Home During COVID

As with so much in life attitude can make all the difference. No one will deny that therapy can be frustrating, there are reasons you are doing this work, but it can also be a lot like playing when done in a different space with new materials under different guidance. Know that we see you trying so hard to do your best in difficult times. Every therapist I know is looking forward to seeing their kiddos walk back into the office but until that day comes please know we are still resources to help support your family.

Getting Them to the Table

Anyone can feel daunted when starting a project but for those with ADHD, autism, anxiety, sensory processing or learning issues even familiar chores can induce feelings of anxious overwhelm. Many of those with learning or behavioral issues have a challenged gravity sense with poor proprioception, which is our awareness of where the body is in space. Support your child in their schoolwork by helping with their sense of time and workflow.